Tuesday, February 26, 2008


MY limbs went numb but I kept pushing hard, keeping my eyes on the burning red circle which was pacing its way down and behind the silhouettes of the two dwarfed mountain peaks. I wanted to reach as far as I could see before the sun drowned completely. My pulse raced to catch it before losing sight of it. I wanted to reach out to it holding out my hands, imploring it to wait, a bit longer. But the distance kept growing and I could no longer pull my dissipated spirit.

And then suddenly I stopped.

I could hear nothing, say nothing. But I could feel the stillness around me. I turned around to see how far I had come. But I could see nothing. Everything seemed lost and yet there was something around me that was coming to life, slowly. I could feel the grass beneath my soiled feet caressing them to life as the fragrance of the blossoming flowers cajoled my senses to wake up. The murmuring river flowing by soaked my conscious. And I spread my arms to catch the wind gushing through me. The twilight colours spread out a canvas that was familiar but I had never seen before. I was awake now. I wanted to walk back and discover what I had left behind and trace the journey on which I had touched everything but had felt nothing. But I could only fathom the growing darkness. I had walked through life without living it. I was still unborn.

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