Sunday, April 5, 2009


The silhoutte of the last ship on the horizon faded into anonymity as the sun wrapped itself in the clouds. My acquaintance with her lasting a few moments just enough to enamour me to her blue mast, her quiet presence against the soft sound of the waves hitting the shore. Her grace and beauty stood against the grandeur of the ocean.Her ephemeral presence and the certainity of her absence made happiness and sadness inseparable in a single moment.
Perhaps I would never see her blue mast again, perhaps I would never know about the journey she had made, perhaps the memory of her drifting away with the waves would also fade away. Each thought struggled against a recalcitrant heart unwilling to acknowledge the agony of separation The vast emptiness of the ocean now a reminder of her transitory presence. The enormity of the loss woke me up to the insignificance of our desires, the meaninglessness of existence, its impermanance and the irony of an eternal moment.

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